Alumni Newsletter Spring 2007

TEL. 914-446-4091

Spring '07

Dear Alumnus/Friend,

Sorry this letter did not reach you for Easter due to a death in our immediate family, our dear & very close niece, Joy passed away as the result of complications from diabetes, we were heart-broken. We pray one & all had a Holy, Happy Easter and that you have a nice Spring & summer when it arrives.

HERE 'N THERE: Had a nice note from Joyce & Rich Irizarry, they are enjoying their winter stay in FL & keeping busy. Rich is in real estate & Joyce is working at a college, they informed us they are building a new home in Naples, FL. They now live in a condo. We sure will miss them if they decide to make FL. their permanent home.

Dave & Pat MacMillan recently spent part of a day with us. We had dinner together & spent the day reminiscing about times at St. Agne. We enjoyed the visit so much.

We are pleased to add new member, Chas. J. Schaeffer from MN, to our mailing list, Charles is in his 90's & as sharp as could be, he sent a copy of a newspaper that St Agnes used to put out named The Bugler it was from the year 1935 & Joe Stanaitis sent it to us,' it was great reading it, even though we never heard of it before, guess some of the guys might remember it, thanks to both.

John Dundon wrote us a long letter telling us he & his sister lived in a mental institution most of their lives. John is now in a care place in Spring Lake, NJ & doing quite well. One time years ago he was on a trip to NY & so was Robert Kennedy & john was so close to him he spoke with him & asked him never to forget the mentally sick. John used to get the bus to & from the picnic faithfully but is not able to anymore & he misses that. Thanks John for the letter & good luck to you & try to stay well.

Guito Coriano visited the Irizarry's in FL. a few months ago & asked to be put on the mailing list, we are always pleased to oblige.

A nice note from Victor Auaujo(?) saying how much he & his wife enjoy the newsletter, he goes to St. Peter's & Paul's school in CT. each day to play pinochle; gets him out with people. He enjoys it. Glad to hear it Victor & thanks for the nice note.

If anyone knows a George Perez (61-65) please send us his address. We either got a phone call or he was at the picnic. He gave us an address in Yonkers, NY but the letter was returned & marked Unknown.

We want to thank Joe Stanaitis for sending us so many interesting stories & pictures of St. Agnes, one of which we would like to mention. Joe recently was watching Brian Williams on TV & at the end of his program he did a small feature on a relatively new group of Dominican Sisters in Ann Arbor, MI. First thing Joe did he went to his computer & got their address and sent them a donation . The Sisters were dressed in their habits, they were all very young & dedicated. He received an E-Mail thanking him & explaining who they were, 4 of them founded the community in 1997 under Cardinal O'Connor. Now, 10 yrs later, they are out of room with 71 wonderful women already part of the order & 20 more entering this past August. They ask our prayers & it is signed Sister Joseph Andrew, OP. They are Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. Joe thought maybe if any of you had a few extra dollars maybe you could send them a little & if you do write them tell them you were raised by the Dominican Sisters of St. Agnes. The new Sisters address is Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist, 4597 Warren RD, Ann Arbor, MI. 48105.

We want to thank David Feliciano for the great job in making up the DVD's of the Alumni picnics & synchronizing the beautiful music to go with them, they are so wonderful & surely a keepsake to have. We just love ours & play them often. If anyone is interested in getting these David's address : his E-Mail is DTF@NYC.RR.COM or mail to : St. Agnes Alumni PO Box 11038, Cambria Hgts, NY 11411 ATTN: David Feliciano, you will be so glad you ordered one.

We want to thank Gerry Merna also for the wonderful book he made up with pictures etc, & sent it to us. It was wonderful & we appreciate it so much, again thanks Gerry.

Frank Bradicich informs us both of his brothers have serious heart problems, Joe is to undergo an operation in the very near future & John has to be treated with medicine, so please say a prayer for both.

Paul Fabrizzi seems to be enjoying his move from NY to Thorpe Vlg, Sparkill. He tells us he goes to gym every day. Glad to hear from you Paul. Keep in shape now, Ha.

Heard from Henry Farmer along with a nice Easter card he is having a rough time writing, needs an operation on his hand, he is living in a Veteran's Care Facility who seems to control his money & give him a hard time when he writes a check out for a donation. As he says, it is his money. Thanks for writing, Henry & hope you will feel better soon.

Father Figueroa writes a thank you, expressing his appreciation to all who have sent him money including the Alumni. He said through it all (donations) they were able to buy 10 small cottages for their handicapped youth. Great news, Father. He sends his regards to all. Father has worked so hard for so many years in Brazil; day & night he is laboring. Take care of yourself & you are in our prayers. We pray none of you were affected by the many floods all over recently. So many people lost their homes & possessions.


Rec'd a phone call from Father Masterson in Brazil saying how much he enjoyed spending the summer at St. Agnes & at the special dedication & the Annual Picnic. Maybe you can come back this summer.

Like you to know Father Francis Butler down in La. always remembers the Sisters & St. Agnes Alumni in his prayers. Father works so very hard in a poor parish & has no assistan. Please remember him in your prayers.

Just received a phone call from a gentleman named Kevin Lyons. He is the President of the Police Anchor Club. Kevin is arranging the 75th & last annual anniversary of Coney Island Outing July 10th 2007 at 11:00 AM below the cyclone. refreshments will be served. Kevin is seeking INFO or stories attached to the Annual Orphans Outing from 1930-70 sponsored by the Police Anchor Club. Anyone of you who remember those trips please contact him at: www.nypdanchor.or E-Mail ; Home address is Kevin Lyons 8004 208th St. Hollis Hills, NY 11427 ASAP! Thank you.  Tel: 917-299-9497.

If you know of anyone who is moving in the very near future or has moved recently & you know their address, please let us know. We are getting the newsletter returned because no forwarding address, thanks.

Please send us some news of yourself, family, etc.. after all this is your letter & a way of keeping in touch with your "brothers."

DUES: Annual dues $10.00 are payable anytime. Make checks payable to St. Agnes alumni, mail to above address. Thank you.

ANNUAL PICNIC  Just an early reminder to mark your calendars for the picnic

Sat: Aug 18th at the Piermont Pavilion, Piermont, NY. Let's have a good turn-out. More about the picnic in the July letter.

R.I.P.:   : We regret to announce the following names in this column.
Robert P Merna 12/22/06,
Thomas D Daly 1/31/07
Joseph P McGrath 3/15/07
Carlos Irizarry Apr. 07
John G Hackett 4/@/07.
Our Prayers are with all the families of the deceased & they will be remembered in our yearly mass for the deceased.
John Hackett was a very dear friend he & his wife were very close to us altho John was on oxygen for awhile we still did not expect that news. John & Dorothy would have celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary a few days after his death.

INCLOSURE: Philip Flotard from the Legion Post, requested we inclose this picture of the beautiful statue that was dedicated in 2006. As he said a lot of you remember leaving service from Camp Shanks plus many of the Alumni donated toward the statue. It is a beautiful monument. If you are in the area you should be sure to go see it.

Till the next letter, God Bless & stay well.

Please remember the troops & their families.



1 Incl.

Alumni Newsletter Summer 2007

TEL: 845-446-4091


Dear Alumnus/Friend,

Here it is July already & time to stop by & say "Hello" & pray all is well with everyone.

"HERE 'N THERE: Glad to add two new names to our mailing list: Reinaldo Hernandez out of Hollywood, FL. & William Sanchez out of Illinois. Welcome aboard.

Rec'd a nice note from Sr. M. McGuire saying how much she enjoys the newsletter & also giving us the new name, Sanchez to add to our list, thank you, Sister. appreciate any news you send us.

Thanks to Walter Feldmann Class of '50 who sent a great newsy letter. His brother, Henry (Hank) was 80 yrs old Jun 11th, attended St Agnes in the early 40's after a stint at St Dominic's. He served in Army Intelligence during the Korean War, now lives in Granada Hills, CA. with his wife, the former Anne Clark of Piermont NY; married 56 yrs & have 3 children. Also, Walter mentions his brother, Dick, age 76 of Holtsville, NY also served heroically in the Korean War as a member of the Marine Corps. Thanks for the news, Walter & the best to all.

We were informed by the nephew of Michael Maltese that he passed away 3/15/07 at the L.I. VA Nursing Home, thank you Anthony for your information & our condolence to you & your family.

Thanks to Phil Evans for the nice note saying how much he appreciates the newsletter & the nice compliment.
A letter from Nunzio Bisignano recalls knowing the late John Hackett & what a great baseball player he was. Said he would have made it to the majors if he didn't have to be called to serve his country in WW II. He also re­calls that Joe Lewis was stationed at Camp Shanks & used to play golf at the Rockland Country Golf Course where the kids used to see him. Nunzio said he was the bat boy for St. Agnes baseball team & he also played in one football game. He got to take care of the sports equipment for Coaches Faulk & Sullivan. Thanks Nunzio. This is the kind of things we like to receive for the letter.

Nice note from Michael Morphis along with a gener­ous check thanking us for the letter & telling he hopes to make the picnic in Aug. We sure hope so. Thanks for all.

Rec'd a change of address from Patricia & Kelly Ryan, daughters of the late William Ryan who was Class of '39. He always kept up with the news & used to attend the picnics. He passed away in 1989, but his daughters feel the letter keeps them connected to him. It's so nice of you to write & glad you enjoy hearing from us & thanks for change of address.

Thanks to a dear friend of the late Walter Rooney, we rec'd a $50.00 donation to the Alumni in his memory, which was very thoughtful. A letter was sent to her in thanks from the Alumni.

Sr. Mary Fagan writes from St. Louis, MO. telling how much she enjoys the newsletter. Along with her dues, She writes how much she likes the news about the years she was at St. Agnes (1954-59 ) & then again (1970-72) she taught 8B. she mentions having a bond with Sr. Mary Barbara & most of all she remembers fondly her years of working with Sr. Catherine & the Boy's Choir.

Rec'd a nice note from Bob Millspaugh along with new address his children finally convinced him to move to GA., so he could be closer to them. Bob has been a widower for some time & lived in FL. by himself. Bob also thanked us for keeping him abreast of the Alumni happenings. Enjoy your new move Bob & stay in good health. John Goldstein writes a long letter & included a nice check, he tells us he was a social worker at St. Agnes (1960-65) he thinks George Perez was on his caseload but hasno further info about him. John says he enjoys the newsletter. He remembers Tom O'Brien & John Glynn (Coach) when he was at St. Agnes, he hopes he & his brother can attend the picnic this year. We sure would love to see you both & thanks for the nice letter.

Along with a nice Easter Card & check, Barney Kiernan writes how much he & his wife appreciate the newsletter & keeping in touch , thanks for the extra money toward the mailing, we pray you both stay well.

Nicholas Marcigliano writes he is always happy to read who attends picnic etc. so he requested a DVD from David Feliciano. He writes how much he enjoyed it but did not recognize anyone. If anyone else wants a DVD from David you can contact him by email DTF@NYC.RR.COM or send a request to David T. Feliciano, St Agnes Alumni PO Box 110338, Cambria Hgts, NY 11411, the DVD is free and a wonderful thing to have.

As we told you in the last letter, July 10th is going to be a very special day for the Police Anchor Club. It's their 85th Anniv. and they have invited anyone who remembers how good they were when at St Agnes, they took us on trips, etc. not only us kids but many orphans. The ceremony is going to be at Coney Island. Refreshments will be served & a great day is planned & Kevin Lyons & committee have been working so hard. Some of you will remember a trip to the Polo Grounds in NY where St Agnes played Boys' Town from NE. in baseball & a Walter Pascal hit a Home Run. What a thrill!


Walter plans to be there on the 10th. It will be a great day & bring back many memories. If interested you can call Kevin Lyons 917-299-9497 for any info.

The Alumni rec'd $100.00 donation from the Veteran's Memorial Assn, Piermont, NY., We sent a letter of appreciation. It was so very kind of them.

We ask your prayers for the mother of Father Francis Butler. She is 92 yrs old & suffering from pneumonia. Also, we ask you to pray for John Antonacci who is going to have another heart operation . we wish them both God's blessing & good health., thank you.

DUES:  Dues are $10.00 a year payable anytime, checks made out to St Agnes Alumni & sent to above address, thank you.

INCLOSURE: A chance book is inclosed, if you can we would appreciate you fill out & return to above address, it is our main source to keep the letter in business & the raffle will take place at the annual picnic in August. You have all been very supportive in the past so we Know we won't be disappointed.


12:00 Noon TILL?????
We hope everyone will make an effort to attend.

Wm. J. Perry date unk., 
Michael Maltese 3/15/07.
Sr. M. Rose Vincent Sr. was the last principal of St Agnes School before closing the grade school.
Sr. James Francis 5/17/07  
Walter Rooney 6/24/07.
May their souls rest in peace, & our prayers are with their families.

Just want to make mention Artie attended the funeral Mass for Walter Rooney at St Ann's in Nyack & not only he but many others shed tears when his 2 sons gave tribute to their father. He must have been a wonderful father. Both spoke so beautifully about him.

"Lord hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them & their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need.  I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord & Savior."

Hope to see you all on the 18th of August, until then enjoy the summer & stay well. God Bless Always.

1 Imcl:

[signed] Artia & Gloria


Alumni Newsletter G.I.Joe 2007

Piermont, New York, was known
by thousands as "Last Stop USA"

On Memorial Day, the Piermont Memorial Post 7462, Veterans of Foreign Wars, U.S., dedicated a bronze statue, "G.1. Joe." in Kennedy Park located at the beginning of the Pier Road in Piermont, New York, representing the soldiers leaving for Europe, bringing that history alive for many generations to come. All who pass through Piermont or walk to the Pier will see the monument and learn about those brave thousands.

One million three hundred thousand G.l.s left for Europe from the Piermont Pier embarking onto ships in the Hudson River to begin their long journey to Europe to fight and free the world from tyranny during World War 11. This struggle lasted from 1941-1945 with more than one-half million returning the same way. Many who left from Piermont never returned. In fact eleven (11) young boys who grew up in Piermont never returned from that conflict.

Camp Shanks and the Piermont Pier played a tremendous role in the battle to regain Europe, and a large percentage of the troops that hit the beach on D-Day came through Camp Shanks. The significant role of Rockland County, New York, in the history of the war is known by few.

The six-foot-four-inch life-sized statue, bronzed by the Tallix Fine Arts Foundry in Beacon, NY, after design and other work by Studio EIS in Brooklyn, is based on an idea supplied by Post Commander George A. Lynch, Jr.

The statue officially represents the Army and Air Corps personnel who were processed through Camp Shanks, where the actual staging of units for the D-Day invasion began, but it really is symbolic of all who went off the fight in a war for survival, the goals of which seemed quite clear to most. The Post raised all of the $74,000.00 needed through donations over the past two years.

[ The G.I. JOE STATUE Photo That Should Appear Here Is Regretably Not Available ]

G.I Joe Statue with Post Commander George A. Lynch, Jr. and Post
Quarter-master Theodore W.
Jessup, Jr., Past District 2 Commander.


Alumni Newsletter FALL 2007

9 Glen Road
Highland Falls, NY 10928
TEL: 845-446-4091


Dear Alumnus/Friend:
Time for the Fall letter, one of the prettiest times of the year with the colorful foliage even though the temperature is more like August.

We will start off by telling those that did not make the annual picnic for one reason or other, the picnic was a great success & everyone seemed to have had a good time mingling with friends, etc. We had a great crowd over 100 including Alumni, families, children & even grand-children. Members of the Alumni came from Alaska, Brazil, Colorado, Calif., FL., Delaware, MD, PA, NJ, & NY, & yet many who live in the vicinity never show.

We have so many to thank for the success, namely Dave MacMillan, his wife, Pat & their son, Douglas, Joyce Irizarry & Debbie Moriarty. They all worked very hard & made it a great day. We also want to thank Aida Antonacci, wife of John who stayed up most of the night preparing many delicious dishes & bringing them to share. Everyone enjoyed them they were so good also we thank those who donated so many delicious desserts, I don't know them by name but thank you all it made for a wonderful day & no one went hungry. God bless you all. A list of those attending is inclosed.

Winners of the raffle are as follows:
lst prize $500.00 Jimmy Dunn,
2nd prize $300.00 Jim Shea,
3rd prize tarry Parrish $100.00 &
4th prize $100.00 Ken Babcock,
Congratulations to all & many thanks to all who supported the raffle & those who also included their dues & some who made donations at the same time we are most grateful you are such a great bunch of guys.

HERE N' THERE: : Good to see Bernie Neville at the picnic again, it's been a long time.

Rec'd a phone call from new member Frank Rodriquez who lives in MD. & wanted to get in touch with 2 classmates, Robt. Wilson, who we have on mailing list but the other, Calvin Ziegler, we could not locate, if anyone knows his whereabouts please let us know.

Bill Wilson from Livingston Manor, NY writes about his area being hit again with terrible floods, 4 people lost their lives & one is still missing, such a tragedy, Bill also speaks of his parish, St. Aloysius & his pastor Msgr. Collins who Bill knew when he was active with the CYO & was A LEADER for the county.

Thanks to Paul Orlando for nice letter saying how much he enjoys the newsletter. also told us he recently had surgery on his right hand, do hope all is well now, Paul. Thanks for the check, Paul.

From Art Willets out in CA. Art says he keeps trying to make picnic but his family keeps growing, 13 grand-children & 8 great-grand-children that is great, Art & can imagine how busy you are it keeps you young. Thanks also for the check.

On behalf of St Agnes Alumni, we would like to thank John Antonacci & his family for the $100.00 he sent in memory of the late Walter Rooney, John's son, Robert & family also sent us a donation in the same amount, it was so kind of you both.

Nice letter from Ralph Pollice, FL., he tells us his stay at St. Agnes from age 2 yrs old to 11 yrs old, he & his brother left when WW II started, his father married a woman who had 3 sons & were then my step-brothers, he wrote his step-mother was the sweetest Mom of all times & he was so happy to have had her, God took her home at age 92, Ralph is now 5 & still misses her he & his brother had wonderful memories & that is another reason he loves the Newsletter, thanks Ralph,& take care.

John Altomare writes, the newsletter reminds him of the good times-remembering playing for St. Agnes football team in the back there was Hank Feldmann & himself, he also remembers going to Coney Island & Steeple Chase Park there was a sign that said "Red Bat in the Cage", you climbed up a ladder & look in the cage & saw a red baseball bat, Ha: He also remembers going to the Rodeo & the Polo Grounds & seeing Pascal's home-run & going to the USO to see Joe Lewis He said he cannot forget the name Nunzio Bisignano, he also said he was so sorry to hear of the death of Walter Rooney, great John, You will bring back a lot of memories to others who read the letter. Along with a generous check for dues, etc.,

Jim Merna said he enjoyed reading the letter from Walter Feldmann that we mentioned in the last letter, Jim said Walter was a classmate of his at St Dominic's. St Agnes & also TZHS, C1 of 1950. Coach Faulk helped Walt get a football scholarship to the Univ. of GA. where he met his wife, thanks Jim for telling this, that was great.

A note from Sr. LaPietra, formerly St Francis Theresa, entered in 1959, Sister wrote she was sorry to hear of the passing of John Hackett, she said she had Taught his son, Michael in Holy Trinity in Hicksville, NY. She said John & wife Dorothy were always at the events, she wants them to know he & his family are in her prayers. Right now Sr. is director of ''One to One" Learning, teaching English. If any of the Alumni live in the area & would like to volunteer her number is 845-359-4239.

Henry Marrero's wife writes Henry was a little under the weather so couldn't attend the picnic, she asked me to mention Henry's half-brother, Norberto Chandia (1942-45) they still haven't been able to locate him so if anyone knows him or his whereabouts, please let us know & we will contact them. Thanks for the note & glad both are enjoying the letter, take care.

Sr. Marie Louise Ruggeri writes from St. Louis, MO. that "The Alumni Boys "are very dear to her heart, she spent happy years at St. Agnes (45-47) taking care of the little babies, many wonderful memories are still with her. Sister writes she thinks & prays for all of us." Thanks so much, Sister, nice hearing from you.

Bob Millspaugh writes from his new address , now living with his daughter & family in GA. he says it's so good to get the Newsletter & keep up with news about fellow Alumni. Bob is now busy with new doctors appointments & eyeglasses, he sends his best to all of St Agnes Alumni, thanks Bob always nice hearing from you, the best to you.

Note from Willie Perales, he said how much he likes getting the newsletter, it brings a lot of memories & names he had forgotten, he & his wife have been married 49 years, have 3 boys & 1 girl, 5 grand-daughters & 1 grand-son & they keep them busy, Willie sends his regards to all.

Congratulations to Joyce & Rich Irizarry who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary 10/12/07. may you
have many more happy, healthy years together.

A short note from John Gonzales from CA. he said he & his brother left St Agnes in 1957, they have fond Memories of Father Jorn & all the Sisters who provided a home to them. Thanks John, nice hearing from you.

A letter from Rod Dayton , said he noticed in a recent newsletter Lorenzo Calderon's name mentioned, he said he & Lorenzo joined the Air Force together, after basic training they were shipped to different bases he last saw him when both were discharged, Lorenzo was a great singer but got fed up with the tireless effort to find work so he re-enlisted & was on his way to a base in Turkey, they were tough years for Rod he said but he persevered, made a music career that took him all over the world on cruise ships & he also wants to tell Lorenzo the great guitarist (Frank D'Rone) also is a Calderon maybe they are related. Frank Sinatra is Frank D' Rone's son's godfather. Rod is still traveling all over & keeping busy.

A note from Rita DelFuoco tells us how much her late father Daniel Williams, an Alumnus, enjoyed the Newsletter, she said she enjoys it so much also, thanks Rita glad to hear from you & thank you for the check.

A nice letter from Eliz. McMenemy she writes even tho she does not know any of the names in the newsletter she enjoys it so much, she was so glad to read about P.A.L., she said they were so good to her & her family. Her father , the late Patrick McMenemy was a detective in NYC & died in 1938, she was 12 yrs old then, there were 7 of them & every year P.A.L. would take them to Steeple Chase, her brother also went to St. Agnes Camp & she being the oldest & a girl went to Camp Immaculate, they have wonderful memories from the P.A.L. Great to hear all that Elizabeth & to know people haven't forgotten the good they do. thanks so much for writing.

A short note from Tom Shea (Cl 51-56) out of CA., thanking us for the letter & keeping everyone in touch. Thanks Tom & thanks for the check.

A nice letter from David Kee (Cl 45-49) along with check & thanking us for keeping people in touch. His brother Louis travels all over the world & David would like him to retire so they could play golf together & David could beat him, HA. He said his brother was in the same class as "Red: Rooney (God Rest His Soul), he said it is so good to hear how so many "House's Kids" turned out so well. Who knows why? the way their lives started. He thinks a lot of it has to do with the girl they married, Great thought David, it was so great that you & your brother attended the picnic. Hope you both enjoyed it.

Always nice hearing from Vince McMahon & wife, Mae, he says it's great getting the Newsletter & refreshing to look into the past. He & his wife can't travel anymore, however he does manage to get a round of golf in now & then. Stay well folks.

Sister Marie Daugherty writes from St Louis, MO., that she read the July newsletter twice, she enjoyed it so much every word of it , she said it is always awesome to her to hear about our "House's Kids" continue their brotherhood these many years since she knew them & her pride in hearing what all of you are doing flies out of bounds, she prays for God to bless each & everyone, Sister wanted to know if any of the "Boys" sing in a choir, she recalls how the "House's Kids" almost took the roof off the chapel at St Agnes with their great singing. Thanks so much Sisters the picnics with the P.A.L. & the trip to the Polo Grounds in NY are vivid memories to her, her part was getting the "Little Side" kids dressed for the occasions, they really looked handsome decked out in their Sunday Best Clothes, the House's Kids" are really going to enjoy reading about your letter.

Rec'd a phone call from Michael Morphis from N.Y. 9/26/07 Michael informed us he drove to Piermont & Sparkill with his son trying to find where the picnic was held, first he went to the Sisters at Sparkill & they recommended asking the firemen at the firehouse, they gave him the wrong directions to a pavillion, not the one where we had the picnic so unfortunately he did not get to the picnic & we are sorry this happened, do hope you will make it next year, God willing.

Rec'd a very sad letter from Cornelius Sullivan, the oldest of Leonard Sullivan's 7 sons & 4 daughters, he informed us his dear wife, Carol passed this world 10/20/06 after an extended stay at a hospital in Goshen, she was 70 yrs old, sorry I can't put everything in the letter, her eulogy was so beautiful & moving, she was a wonderful wife, mother & friend to all who knew her, she always thought of others & went out of her way to take care of them. They were married 50 yrs & had several children & grand-children who were the pride & joy of her lives. We know she is in Heaven & out of her suffering. We were so happy to see you at the picnic, Cornelius & hope you will return next year.

DUES: Dues $10.00 per year are payable anytime, checks made out to St Agnes Alumni & mailed to above address, thank you So many paid along with the raffle money & also some paid at the picnic. Appreciate that.

Those of us who spend much time in a doctor's office should appreciate this: Doesn't it seem more and more that physicians are running their practice like an assembly line? Here's what happened to Bubba.

Bubba walked into a doctor's office and the receptionist asked him what he had, Bubba said Shingles, pronounced " Shaaang-els"So she wrote down his name, address, medical number & told him to have a seat. Fifteen minutes later a nurse's aide came out and asked Bubba what he had? Bubba said "Shingles", so she wrote down his height, weight, a complete medical history and told Bubba to wait in the examining room. A half hour later a nurse came in and asked Bubba what he had, Bubba said "Shingles" so the nurse gave Bubba a blood pressure test, a blood test an electrocardiogram and told Bubba to take off all his clothes and wait for a doctor. When the doctor came in an hour later and found Bubba sitting patiently in the nude and asked Bubba what he had, Bubba said "Shingles" the doctor asked Where? ,Bubba said "Outside on the truck Where do you want me to unload them??

LAUGHS: OH! Those Modern Times We live in. on cable TV they have a weather channel 24 hours of weather. We had something like that where I grew up , we called it a window.

A friend sent this clipping to me to put in the letter:


--A pizza gets to your house faster than ambulance
--do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store for their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front
--do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke
--do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage
--do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we don't miss a call from someone we didn't want to talk to in the first place
-- Think about it!

7/25/07-Glen P. Siebert son of Cathleen Rhatigan, wife of Mike Rhatigan, Glen died from cancer at a young age & left a wife & 3 small children. Please pray for the family.

10/20/06 Carol Sullivan wife of member Cornelius Sullivan & mother of several children & grand-children, please pray for her family.

8/21/07 Roy Lynch & 8/24/07 Esther, husband and & wife who died a couple of days apart, brother & sister-in-law of Joyce & Rich Irizarry-

9/18/07, George Lynch, cousin of Joyce & Rich Irizarry. Many of you will remember George
he was instrumental in having the GI Joe Statue erected & also the beautiful Memorial service for the boys whose names are on the plaque at St Agnes, George was a very special person. Please pray for his family.

Again we ask your prayers for the deceased & their families. Joyce & Rich Irizarry wish to express their appreciation to those who paid their respects at the time of their sorrows & all those who have sent condolences & Mass cards, it has meant so much.

"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect then as they protect us. Bless them & their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior"
Again thanks to all who made the Annual Picnic a great Success. Remember also not only on Thanksgiving Day for each & every day, we take so much for granted. God Bless & Have a blessed Thanksgiving & stay Well.

[signed] Art & Gloria

PS: In the next newsletter we will tell you, all about the 85th anniv. of P.A.L. held at Coney Island in July '07.

NOTE: Boy! those Babcock brothers are still great ball players & it was good to see Bob Rosich smiling out, in the field catching the ball, a great time for all.

Adames, Ray
Babcock, Ray
Babcock, Ken
Babcock, Robt.
Bone, Hector
Bradicich, Frank
Carroll, Joseph E.
Cipolla, Gasper (Chip)
Clarke, Bill
Coriano, Carlos
Coriano, Victor
Dillon, Don
Dunn, James
Fabrizi, Paul
Feliciano, David T.
Feldmann, Richard (Hank)
Feldmann, Walter J.
Flotard, Philip
Keane, Robt.
Kee, David
Kee, Louis
Kingsley, Art
Lyons, Eddie
Hernandez, Roland
MacMillan, David
Masterson, Raymond Fr
Merna, Gerald
Moriarty, Pat
McKeathen, Chas.
Neville, Bernard S
Rhatigan, John
Rhatigan, Mike
Rosich, Robt.
Shea, Jim
Stanaitis, Joe
Sostre, Eugene
Strapak, John
White, Joe
Sullivan, Cornelius
Dominican Sisters attending
Catherine (Mary Catherine)
Eileen Cunningham
Marie T. McGuire
Peggy Scarano
Adele Myers (Sr. Ann Edward


Ursula Joyce (Sr. Agnes Richard
Jeanne Deas
Joanne Deas

Rose Anastasia

53-55, Pres't

We were so pleased you all came.

Alumni Newsletter Christmas 2007

9 Glen Road
Highland Falls, NY 10928
TEL: 845-446-4091

Christmas '07

Dear Alumnus/Friend:

We thought we would drop by and wish each & everyone a Blesses Christmas and a very happy, healthy New Year & to remind you to keep CHRIST in Christmas. It has gotten s-o bad lately; so many only think of rushing out & shopping for gifts and also parties. We have a huge Outlet shopping area with over 200 stores, Would you believe they opened their doors 12:00 Midnight Thanksgiving night & traffic was backed up 10 miles & people waiting to get in the doors, pushing & knocking one another down. Some other stores opened 4:00 AM, 5:00 AM & 6:00 AM. What is the world coming to?? How many know the true meaning of Christmas? Look in the stores, do you ever see a Nativity set, etc.? So much for that.

Paul Fabrizzi sent us a clipping from the Rockland Journal, in it is a story about the rededication ceremony of the Paul Tarantino Memorial with a planting of a tree donated by the Arbor Hill Garden Ctr. The plaque read "This tree is planted in honor of Paul Tarantino for his selfless dedication to the preservation & maintenance of the park & his caring for the residents of the hamlet Sparkill & the Town of Orangetown" Tarry as we called him well deserved the honor, he worked many hours doing the clean-up and never wanted recognition.

Father Figueroa writes to thank the Alumni and anyone else who helped build 12 cottages-Inns for the handicapped through donations rec'd. It was dream come true, only because of faithful friends like you. "Holy Light Garden" is the name of the residence. As you know Father has dedicated his whole life helping these poor people, our prayers are with him & we pray he will stay in good health. Thanks Father for your note.

Rec'd a lovely letter from Sister M.A. Gertrude Rooney, sister of the late Walter Rooney, along with a $100.00 check in his memory to the Alumni & thanking everyone for being so thoughtful at the time of his sickness & death. She misses him terribly. Sister is with Franciscan Order at Hastings On Hudson, NY. 87 yrs old & a Nun for 68 yrs. God Bless her. Thank you Sister for everything.

Rec'd a letter from John Longa (43-48) saying how much he enjoys the newsletter & always looks for names he remembers. Sure enough when he got the last letter, he read John Altomare. He remembers him very well, a great football player, great running back. He has a picture of Altimore, himself & Tyson sitting on a wall at the "House", Other names that ring a bell to him: Rhatigan, Merna, MacMillan & Antonacci. Here are some of the things he remembers & some of you might remember also;

Playing basketball in the ice house.
Being a caddy at the R.C. Country Club.
Stopping to have an ice cream soda at Dom Yozzo.
Sneaking out at night to the Rustic Cabin to get a peek at Frank Sinatra.
Unloading the veggie truck for a couple of cigarettes.
Shaking hands with Yogi Berra when he visited the home (his wife had a sister that was a Nun at the House.
Picking cherries from the cherry tree down the road.
Getting a beating from Prefect Sullivan for sneaking out & getting caught (he made the 1st TV he ever saw).
Hunting at night in the refectory (he won't say for what?)
Playing stick-ball trying to hit the ball over the roof, plus many more great memories.

John is now 76 yrs old, in great health, a retired teamster (40 yrs), served in the Army (52-54) in the Signal Corps in Germany, married 55 yrs, has 4 beautiful children & 7 precious grandchildren. Thanks John, that is what makes the letter & will bring many memories to all the other members.

Artie & I attended the annual Memorial Mass in Nov. for the deceased Nuns. During the service the visiting priest mentioned that there are 523 deceased Nuns as of that date from St. Agnes, it's so hard to believe, however, we do remember so many who have gone Home.

It sure was good talking to Bill Meisenzahl from VT. He informed his wife had successful artery surgery that is why they could not attend the picnic. So glad all went well & thanks for the phone call.

After the list of names who attended the picnic went out, we rec'd a phone call from Ralph Pollice saying he was in the Army with a person named Cipolla & they called him "Chip", just like our member, he was going to contact him he was so excited, hope it turned out OK, one never knows.

CONEY ISLAND: As we told you in the last letter, we will tell you a little about the celebration in July that the Police Anchor Club put on, it was their 85th Anniv & the last time they will be at Coney Island, as you know from the Spring letter, all who remembered being taken there when at the Home, were invited. Artier was the oldest & Much to his surprise he was treated like a king, ridden in a big open car, parade, speeches, & meal, a day he will never forget, it took him days to come down off the clouds. It was a day that brought back a lot of memories, years ago they were called "P.A.L.", they are now going to take care of the widows & children of the Police. They are such a great organization & made so many orphans regardless of religion so happy with the trips, etc. God Bless Them.

DUES: Dues $10.00 per year payable anytime, check made to St. Agnes & mailed to above address, thank you.


Informed by the widow of Edward Stock, he died 10/06/07 from lung cancer.

Also Sister Mary William died 22/08/07 at the age of 94. Sister loved to do the Irish Jig.

May their souls rest in peace, prayers are with their families.

Father Butler sent us this picture [not available] awhile back & we thought you should enjoy it, religious image of a small child whispering a pray to God, along with his pet eyes closed & similarly immersed in prayer. It is obvious the dog was only imitating the good example of his youthful master. Father said he also has a Lab that he rec'd 9 yrs ago & became very attached, so he attempted to put him in a similar position for prayer. He was surprised how easily & quickly he cooperated. The point is that we can be assured not only of his prayerful gratitude, but he suspects his dog is joining his prayers for us as well. HA. Thanks Father for that picture, it is precious.

"Lord hold our troops in your loving hands, protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Bring them back safely to their homes and the comfort of their families, I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior."

AGAIN, BLESSED, MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY, HEALTHY YEA Till the next time stay well & God Bless.


1 Incl: [signed] Art & Gloris

PS: In Case anyone would like to send a greeting to our priests:

'Rev. Francis E. Butler, SSJ
Our Mother of Mercy Church
PO Box 237
Church Point, LA, 79525-0237
Father Raymond Masterson
IGREJA Catedral
Caixa Postal 117
Campinas, Sao Paulo
CEP 13010-190
Brazil, S.A.
Padre Eduardo Figueroa,OMI
Caixa Postal 1850
Recife', Pernambuco
CEP 50001-970
Brazil, S.A.
Rev. Ronald Ciaravolo
213 Fairview Ave
Box 1014
Montauk, NY 11954-0801

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