
From: Jim Lundberg
To: David T. Feliciano
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:14 AM
Subject: St Agnes Alumnus


I am writing this email from my office in Iraq. I was rewriting some phone numbers into my new day planner when I noticed that I had a number for Art & Gloria Kingsly. Art was in charge of the Alumni Newsletter. I then remember Art saying something about an Alumni Website. So I put “St. Agnes Home for Boys” in the search engine and voila I see my old school. I was in St. Agnes from 1965 to 1970 when I graduated from elementary school. Wow was it nice to see the photos of the school and Sacred Heart Church. Memories, memories and more memories came flooding in. I would like very much to contribute my biography to your website if that would be all right. I see that there are many “old timers” in the bios, fellas that go way back to the 20’s and 30’s. I did not realize how far back St. Agnes really goes into the years. I would like to see my generation of fellow home boys in the website as well and can do a lot to help track them down. Tell me what I can do as I think that this is an important piece of history we should be cherishing. I am wondering where all the pictures are that were taken of the school and of us during the 1965 – 1970 years. It would be interesting to add those to see how the home changed so much from the 30’s. I am sure there are some around somewhere and it will be fun to help track them down.

James E. Lundberg ‘70

James E. Lundberg Jr.
Food Service Technician
KBR Food Service
Caldwell Cafe Site C-11
Diyala, Iraq

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